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Healthy breakfasts

For a healthy breakfast, eggs or oats are excellent (and quick) options.

Go for the whole oats, rather than the pulverised instant forms. Adding a handful of nuts and seeds or some berries will make this a quick and easy and well-rounded breakfast.
Eggs – if you don’t feel you have time in the morning, boil and peel eggs the night before so they are ready to grab on the go. Paired with a banana or an apple and a handful of nuts, you are ready to start your day.

Make mini frittatas on Sunday for the week ahead combining eggs, capsicum, corn, spring onion, baby spinach and maybe some bacon. Top with cheese and bake. These will see you through a few days.

You can also use natural yoghurt and throw in some seeds which are great for protein (there are some great pre-packed mixes available) and bits of fruit (strawberries, mango, blueberries, banana) and you are done.

Oat and chia jars – put approx 1/2 cup of oats and a good sprinkle of chia seeds into a lidded jar, add milk to cover (approx 1/2 of a cup). Add a little honey if you like a little sweetness (though adding fruit when you serve will give you that sweetness too). Give it a good shake and put it in the fridge overnight. It will be ready to go in the morning – just mix in some berries, chopped dates, seed mix and/or banana slices to finish it off.

Oh – and don’t forget you can actually have leftovers from a healthy dinner from the night before.

Breakfast does not have to be difficult and time-consuming to be really healthy.

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