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Phases of stress

This great information is supplied by Biomedica about the 3 phases of stress.
We all live with stress, and some stress is actually good, but how we individually cope with it and manage it has a major impact in the longer term. We are not designed to be in a constant state of heightened stress.
Here is a summary, so you know what to look for.

Alarm Phase
The body/mind go on high alert – think of the fight/flight response.
Symptoms: breathing and heart rate increase. Focus, attention and reactions become heightened.
This can be beneficial – for a short time.

Resistance Phase
The body tries to adapt to the stress – leading to a new normal. But this is not normal.
Result: Constant high cortisol leading to higher anxiety levels, poor sleep, changes to gut function, fatigue, and general poor resilience to stress.

Exhaustion Phase
Unfortunately this is often when people end up in my clinic – when they just cant cope/function anymore.
Symptoms: exhaustion, fatigue, anxiety, depression, non-restorative sleep, lowered immunity, increased susceptibility to the development of other disorders.

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