Why is vitamin D important? I live in Australia so surely I can’t be deficient!
Vitamin D deficiency (it is not actually a vitamin, but a hormone) is more common than people think. Research has shown that between 30-60% of people may be deficient – even in Australia.
It is important to ensure you are NOT in this group as it can affect your mental wellbeing, your gut function, the strength of your bones, your heart health, your skin health, and how susceptible you may be to infections.
Remember, like all nutrients, it does not work just on its own, but in combination with other nutrients.
At risk groups include the elderly, those who work inside, people with darker skin (takes longer to absorb enough rays to boost levels), and people who cover up all skin all the time.
You can get it from food, the sun (need short exposure without covering or sunblock), or in supplement form.
Some food sources include: fatty fish (sardines, mackerel, tuna), eggs, mushrooms (go for ones that have been exposed to sunlight such as maitake or portobello), cheese, tofu, milk alternatives (such as almond milk) – normal cow’s milk if it is whole milk, preferably from grass-fed cows – skim milk isn’t the same, though may be fortified, so go for whole milk.
Enjoy your day – and the sun! Just don’t overdo it – burned skin is definitely not beneficial to your health.