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Does fish oil actually help your heart or not??

It does, it doesn’t, it does, it doesn’t …. And so it goes on.   Make up your minds!!
Ok – time for some new information and (hopefully) clarity.
Yes it does – but you have to get enough.

Media releases earlier this year stating it is a waste of time and money may now have to think again.  What has happened is that analysis of studies done with fish oil, that showed no benefit, were based on studies with doses that were too low – way too low.  Except one in Japan, that used much higher levels – and got results.  Well, now another study has been completed and much to their surprise, using far higher levels has positive impact.  The “magic” ingredient is EPA – but you need to get between 1.8g and 4g of EPA per day.  This study was done over 5 years.

How does it help?  Lowers high triglycerides, lowers cardiovascular risk, lowers stroke risk, plus has been shown to help control inflammatory processes.  Sounds great doesn’t it.

So what should you do?  Eat more oily fish.  Food is definitely better than pills.
A good lifestyle with a balanced diet, possibly supplementing where there are deficiencies (with proper advice, not just products grabbed off supermarket shelves after a visit to Dr Google), will give you a far superior health results than waiting for the magic pill.

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